Why You Should Upgrade your Insulation
Save on utilities
More than half of your home energy bill is heating and cooling costs. As homes age, their insulation begins to wear down and the seals around doors and windows also deteriorate. This means more heat and air conditioning is lost through leaks, and home energy costs can skyrocket. By replacing or upgrading your insulation, you will be able to save money on your monthly utility bills.
Improve health
Aging or inadequate insulation makes it harder for HVAC systems to properly filter and condition the air that leaks into the home. This can lead to an increased risk for allergies and respiratory issues. By properly insulating your home, you will ensure the air stays safe and comfortable to breathe.
Reduce noise
A noisy indoor space can affect a person’s sense of peace and well being. Whether loud outside noises are disrupting your sleep or simply getting on your last nerve, your insulation could be to blame. High quality insulation can muffle external noises and also reduce the noise carried between rooms of the home.
Reduce your carbon footprint
One of the best ways to reduce energy consumption in your home, and therefore minimize your carbon footprint, is through better insulation. Installing or replacing your insulation with a high energy efficiency product is better for your pocketbook and better for the environment.